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Chemo #2, What will you do?

Episode XVI:  Here it goes again...

What can I say? Another day, another chemo. I went through the general process: check-in and blood work. However, today I was going to meet with the Oncologist to go over my first chemotherapy treatment. We met and discussed the general issues that I had after the first treatment. Since I had some nausea, he prescribed a patch for me to wear prior to chemo treatments. We were going to have to get those!!

Even thought I had already got the MRI results from the Breast Surgeon, now we got to discuss them too. The lump was larger than we initially thought, now it was more like a plum or small orange. Also, multiple lymph nodes looked questionable. Meaning the cancer may have made its way out of my breast. However, we are being aggressive and the current treatment plan we are taking would be the same; either way kill the Cancer.

My mass was larger than we thought, my plum-lump!

Then we discussed that I probably should get some genetic testing and meet with the Genetic Oncologist before my next chemo treatment. At that point we would discuss if my insurance covered any of the $3000 test... WOW nothing about Cancer was cheap! Make a mental note to be prepared to freak out next visit!

Once we were done with the doctor talk, I was off to schedule all my next appointments and my hubby was off to get my anti-nausea patch. While I finished up slightly before him, we got started on Chemo Round 2.

Get me good and prepped with anti-nausea medicine!

The treatment was similar to last time. I sat in my chair and began my treatment. I had my hubby cover me in warm blankets and he got a chance to experience the chemo for the first time.

My Chemo-Buddy and Me! - My Buddy Commercial

Of course, we made our way to the good stuff... the really toxic stuff. I always get teased about my happiness about getting chemo. And to be honest, I am happy to be killing the cancer - so, I will smile through the treatment. The side effects suck, but I can't help to be happy about being one treatment closer towards the end.

Me getting the first of two doses of Red Devil.

For those who have a sensitive stomach or get grossed out easily... skip the next picture. You were warned. With all the medicines they pump into me, I have to pee throughout treatment. And it amazes me how quickly the stuff got into my system. I guess going straight into my heart via the port will do that, but it still amazed me. I had to take a picture, I know I am gross, but immediately after the Red Devil treatment I walked to the bathroom and my pee began to turn red. Faintly, because it was less than 5 minutes from treatment, but the beginning stages of red. And yes, the next picture you can see or scroll past was of that pee. And yes, I did take my phone into the bathroom with the intent on taking a picture of my pee.

Yeah, I had to go there! My pee right only minutes after the Red Devil!

I sent the hubby on to work during the next chemo round, because I do nothing but sit there for an hour. Go make me my money, honey! Of course I can't just let him walk out there without doing something, so I loudly joked how he was leaving me. I think what I really said was, "I can't believe your leaving your sick, cancerous... (very fake coughing) wife." The girls across from me laughed. He rolled his eyes. He knew what he married when he married me! Once he left, I began to meet two wonderful ladies. We all had different forms of cancer, in different stages, and different treatments, but we shared the general complaints, concern, and support.

Finally, I got to leave treatment and headed home. I still got a little sick, but I didn't vomit. Bonus! I spent about 45 minutes at 9 pm holding my bucket and moaning. But, it led to nothing. So, overall the chemo was better than last time. While I still had a rolly-tummy, I felt that I handled the general nausea better. The nausea patch, Sancuso, helped. I still felt that horrible don't smell food, don't think food, but I could sort of eat food. Of course the fatigue was tiring, but expected. So overall, I was pleasantly surprised,

In my head...

Knowing what to expect made the experience a bit easier. While each time can be different and what will happen unique to each person, having something to base it on made it less intimidating. Plus, I had an idea that I was not going to eat well for a week, my taste buds would be shot, and in general I would feel crappy. All true!

I also knew how to handle my toxic self by planning ahead (washing schedule and gloves in the bathroom). Experience helped me think ahead and learn what I would feel like doing and what I could really handle with or without help.

"A resolution to avoid an evil is seldom framed till the evil is so far advanced 
as to make avoidance impossible"
- Thomas Hardy, Far from the Madding Crowd

Episode Reference: Here It Goes Again, OK Go song


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